There are opposites in all things ---Colors follow this law.
These thoughts on color are my own thoughts and may have errors.
I do know by the power of the Holy Ghost that Helen's pattern of exacting positions of electrons represents truth.
This color idea is a "maybe it works this way". Not I know this to be truth thought. So here is an idea on color.
There are 6 not 7 colors. 7 does not fit the pattern of opposites. There are white and black plus 6 colors that fit the 8 rays.
White comes in from the top North then to the right side Ray II is Green, Ray III is Blue Ray IV is Purple.
Then the pattern does what Helen named the FLIP. It goes back up to the top and comes down the left side of the atom. So Ray V is nest to the top of the left side. It is Yellow. Ray VI is on the West it is Orange. Toward the bottom left Ray VII is Red. The South Polarity Line Ray VIII is Black.
This makes it very easy for me so see complementary colors Green-Red, Blue Orange, Purple-Yellow, and Black-White.
I know that beyond red wave lengths get very large and beyond purple they get ultra violet, very small. Since nothing crossed the South Polarity Line but Flips back up to the top north and adds to the other side. This seems to fit. It is easy for me to think of complementary colors--those exactly opposites each other as I think of color--like when I am getting dressed or seeing beautiful orange sunsets against the blue sky.
Since in the pattern of the atom there are more giving right side elements than taking left side, it seems in all creation there is more green and blue than yellow, orange, and red. When you add a small amount of these left hand colors you get beautiful things like green meadows with wild flowers. While the sunset is beautiful I think it would be very unsettling to live with a red sky. God knows all about color. It is part of every atom.
Each element has a specific spectrum of colors it radiates. In space this exact spectrum is how, how much of each element is there, is determined.
To my friend Sonya who believes we each have a picture to paint I give you my thanks for believing in all of us. Each of us is different, love different color combinations, each is valuable.
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