Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Protection and Direction

Elder Bednar at the Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple Dedication testified that the temple would give us protection and direction. The last two new in the Salt Lake Valley Draper and Oquirrh Mountain appear to be fortresses. Both are surrounded by iron fences and build square and out of rock. The fence at Draper has two themes in the fence one theme is a spear pointed up. It does appear to be protection.
I know the Lord protects us and the Holy Ghost warns us so we may be protected. I feel that we can ask Heavenly Father to have light and angels surround us—like our homes, our cars, our kids, any way we travel bikes, boats, kids cars especially (Please sent light and angels around Whitney and the new car to her she got yesterday. Please protect her and the car. Please sent light. Thank you. Please bless Jed and Brad as they are in Virginia dn New York in cars and planes and need to make a very important decision about where Jed will go to school and be for at least two years. Please surround them with light and the spirit of the Holy Ghost and angels. Thank you Father in the name of thy son Jesus Christ, Amen) I do believe in –more depend on constant prayer.)
Temples provide us with special clothing that brings with it protection from Satan in all forms—accidents and sin.
Temples provide direction. Each individual may receive inspiration to guide them. This inspiration seems to flow more easily in the temple.
Temples are places of learning and keeps providing another level of learning. It seems to me there are two directions the temple takes us at the same time.
Temples take us upward meaning we become better individuals. We learn to love each other more. Temples are a place of service after making covenants and receiving ordinances ( we give and we receive atom pattern) for ourselves we do these same coveants and ordinances for the deceased. The sealing ordinance is in effect for children born to that couple so sealing also goes forward and by children coming to the temple when they become adults the sealing power may continue generation to generation.
We move in both directions of the square angle.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Temple Symbolism

Yesterday was the Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple dedication every temple seems to have a theme.
Circles are the theme of the Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple. As you enter the circles representing eternity are lines of circles next to each other. The next level up the circles are intersecting and at the top the intersecting circles have a circle inside the intersection. To me it represents we are each a circle. First together in a order- here a line- but not connected together. The temple is all about sealing families together and growing closer to Godhood. So the intersecting circles like bonding in atoms, like H and O becoming H2O, are sealed or bonded together. Hydrogen and Oxygen are both gases on our earth they float around in the atmosphere. We breathe in oxygen and it is carried in our blood stream to every cell. But water. Wow! It covers what % of the earth and is found flowing out in springs running over cliffs to form beautiful waterfall. We love jumping into a lake or pool or bath or shower. It is everyone’s favorite drink, it cleanses our bodies both inside and out. Is makes blood. Bonded together the uses and functions are more than I can list. Temple sealing of husband and wife creates an eternal family based on keeping God’s laws.
Thus the intersecting circles represent husband and wife sealed together. Bonded. Now synergic there is the promise of eternity together ahead of them. Sealed One plus One adds to much more than two each separate.
In water hydrogen gives one electron and oxygen receives. Oxgen has two empty holes and wants both holes filled so it takes two hydrogen atoms each with one electron to share with oxygen. There are always a giver and a receiver in bonding. Two receivers do not bond, neither do two givers. God’s laws require union of opposities—givers and receivers.
As husband and wife are sealed they are told to multiply and replenish the earth--The first commandment given to Adam and Eve as they are placed in the Garden of Eden.
The next higher circles are the intersecting circles with a circle in the intersection. This represents a child now sealed to the husband and wife.
In the temple work is done for deceased individuals. Marriages take place in proxy form for those who have died and children are sealed to parents by living proxies for those who are deceased. This makes the line of intersecting circles connect one with another. The goal is an unbroken chain back through generations being sealed together.
There is one more circle formation seen in the lights in the upper rooms. The lights in the upper rooms are beautiful 8 pointed stars but there are layers of lights. A small 8 pointed lighted star with a larger version of the same star on top of it and then another larger star and another. In the Celestial Room the chandelier is concentric layers of 8 pointed stars with small versions going up and down in concentric layers. It is incredibly beautiful. Smaller versions are repeated in each sealing room.
Concentric layers is the atom. It is a progression from small elements H to larger elements like gold. Eternity has at least two different directions. First a circle has no end. Concentric circles are also progression up to the next circle a new higher level.
We want to become as God is now but we will never be equal to God. God keeps progressing. His work and his Glory is to bring to pass our immorality and our Eternal life. God is our Father in Heaven. We as his children will always be His children. God and man are to have eternal progress.
There is an 8 level that will be completed in one circle and then we will rise to the next circle. The pattern found in the atom is the pattern of eternal progression.
May God bless you and me as we through darkness seek for light. May we “be ye therefore perfect, even as god is Perfect”. May we have less pride more love, less seeking after material substances and more seeking for spiritual. Physical and Spiritual unseparably connected bring a fullness of joy. God bless you today. I send my love. He sends more.

I have learned so much about temple symbolism from Val Brinkerhoff. He is a photographer professor that after traveling around the world taking pictures has focused on temple symbolism. He has recently published a book The Day Star Reading Sacred Architecture for a copy go to www.digitalegend.com/catalog or dial 877-222-1960.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Two Sisters and a Brother

LaVon W. Finlinson, Helen A. Pawlowski’s sister, knocked on my door when our family moved to Mesa, Arizona where we stayed only 9 months while she taught me “the Atom”. She came to my door with a fresh loaf of homemade bread and started talking about the book she was writing Opposites: The Law and Order of the Universe. I made her stand on my doorstep for 45 minutes without inviting her in because it all sounded so “like what”. Science and religion all tied together with the order of electrons. Now I was very into God’s Truths but this was a new angle of approaching things could I trust what she was saying? I told her I would visit her the next day to learn more. And learn more is what I did from September 1987 to March 1988 when we moved back to Sandy, Utah.
I bought used Chemistry and Physics text books from Deseret Industries (sells used books clothing etc.) and studied through the early morning hours when my family slept. I read and edited LaVon’s books and spent many many hours sitting beside LaVon as we discussed how the atom testifies of God’s Laws found in the restored truth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints.
Helen had taken one high school chemistry class and was impressed as she looked at the Periodic Chart that hug on the front wall that because she knew Heavenly Father had made everything out of 92 natural elements He would have made the chart more “esthetically pleasing”. She was an artist at heart and the periodic chart didn’t look how God would have put things together . For 35 years she bought used Chemistry and Physic text books and was deeply impressed with the idea that answers to many questions would be found in organizing the periodic chart. One day using gold stickers and yarn she figured out the flip and already had simplified the electron distribution chart and understood two electrons held the same position but at different times. This day the impressions from the spirit flowed into her and literally guided her hand as she placed the gold stickers in the ∞ configuration. Start at the top go to the right 4 positions start back up at the top go to the left 4 positions; Circle 4 put two on the right then move to circle three, 4 to the right, 4 to the left, then the two in circle 4 slide down into cicle 3 it says that on the electron distribution chart –add 10 to circle 3—4 to the right,4 to the left, then slide 2 electrons from 4 to three. That was it she followed the pattern of the electron distribution chart that she had simplified and everything fit. She got out paper and copied the pattern of the gold stickers and yard and timed and dated it. She knew she had by guided by higher powers and that this pattern now before her was not just the periodic chart that she had searched years for but was the exact position of electrons in two dimensions.
In 1987 she put her findings into a folder and mailed out 200 copies to universities, science foundation, etc. But nobody paid attention.
LaVon visiting a new grandchild in Orem, Utah went to see her sister Helen. She walked in, looked at the chart on her wall, and was impressed by the spirit she was to write about Helen’s atom.
Helen A. Pawlowski wrote and published her finding which continued to expand to include diagrams of all 4 Quantum Energies that are just colored atoms with no math that answer the Einstein –Bohr debate. Quantum works (Bohr) and we can visualize it (Einstein). Helen has the answer Einstein believed in to his last day but could not find. No math is involved. God would make it so all can understand—a picture. Helen published The Visualization of The Atom in 1990 and can be purchased at www.pawlowski.info.
You have heard to be famous you must also be dead. Well Helen should now be famous. Helen Pawlowski died on 2 July 2001.
LaVon W. Finlinson went home from Helen’s about 1987 and began writing her life’s work of uniting religion and science. Showing God’s Laws are found in Helen’s Atom. I had the privilege of learning first from LaVon whom I love as my teacher and later the same year 1987 from Helen.
Since 1987 I have studied and learned much. A dear friend Yvonne Bent had the last year and a half added greatly to my understanding of the atom being a progression to Godhood. We all want to be lifted by the next noble gas and become where Helen relocated Gold. On the top of the chart!. Heaven is paved with gold. Become more God-like by great love and service. Then you will be found on God’s right hand—a giver, one who loves.
These sisters have a brother Paul Williams who was a stock brocker that learned of Helen’s atom and started reading the difficult Physics books. He has astronding answers to how all the findings of Physics can be explained in terms of Helen’s Atom. If you want real Physics answers Paul could talk to you for days-he knows much and lives in Mesa, Arizona.
LaVon W. Finlinson has 2 books Opposites: The Law and Order of the Universe and The Unfolding of Opposites in the Marvelous Work and a Wonder. These books may be purchased by calling Richard or LaVon Finlinson at 1-480-834-1559 of by email at rfinlinson@cox.net
May we all strive to be closer to God. May we love each other more. All things testify of God’s Laws and his love for us and our need to return to Him by getting rid of pride and really loving one and working and serving one another.
May God’s Truths enlighten your mind today.
With my love to you!

Helen's Atom Here We Go